Hank Roberts
‘ The Art of Improvisation’
in collaboration with collettivo FAM
CAOS Studio (Venezia), 01-02 July 2019
hours: 10.00 – 12.30 / 14.30 – 17.00
in collaboration with collettivo FAM
CAOS Studio (Venezia), 01-02 July 2019
hours: 10.00 – 12.30 / 14.30 – 17.00
The workshop is suitable for all type of instruments
On the occasion of Venezia Jazz Festival XII edition from June 27th to July 11th, the famous cello player Hank Roberts hold a two day workshop ‘The Art of Improvisation”.
The workshop is a practice full immersion in collaboration with the collettivo FAM , at CAOS Studio Venezia, that will end with a final concert of the attendees together with Roberts (Chiesa della Pietà, 8.30 PM, free entrance). All type of instruments are welcomed.

Partecipation fee:
Price: 130 euro
Reduced price: 100 euro for Music academy
Enrollment email:
Veneto Jazz: jazz@venetojazz.com
informazioni didattiche: alviseseggi@gmail.com